My name is Matthew, and with the help of my partner Leslie, we have invented a new product that we hope will help make the world a little bit of a better place. This is a brand new venture for the both of us, so it is a lot of new processes and road blocks that have delayed us longer than we originally expected. But that delay is approaching its end…

For the month of October 2022, we are launching a Kickstarter project for our invention: The Cloud Catcher. This new product is intended to collect rainwater in urban environments that it is not very easy to collect currently. This is a new product that is perfect for people who want to grow their own herbs, make their houseplants happier, or even start an indoor vegetable garden. We will be documenting our creative process, as well as updates on a working prototype to be shared with you! We are planning to have many rewards for various backer tiers in this project as a way to say thank you for supporting our dreams. The most generous backers will have the opportunity to be added to our list of product testers to get the very first real world Cloud Catchers. We believe that this product could truly help reduce our reliance on municipal fresh-water systems that seem to be failing all around us. With Lake Mead drying up at an alarming rate, now is the time to put our efforts into conserving fresh-water any way we can.

I hope you all like the results of many months of hard work and can help us make this idea into a reality

Lightning is the process that creates such mineral-rich rainwater during storms